General information

The payment gate is a software solution to provide an integration between the payment gate and your software application or website. This document describes detailed methods required to interact with the payment gate.

Terms and acronyms

API: Application Programming Interface - a set of ready-made methods provided by the application (system) to be used in external software products.

REST: Representational State Transfer - architectural style of component interaction of a distributed application on a network.

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation - a text format of data interchange based on JavaScript RFC 7159.

3DS: 3-D Secure - a card data security protocol used for authentication of a bank card holder during payment transaction via the Internet. Tarlan Payments supports both 3DS 1.0 and 3DS 2.0 versions of protocol.

Merchant - a retail and service outlet working with the system.

Project – an affiliated entity of a partner (merchant). It allows the merchant to differentiate legal entities, terminals and reports

Merchant (partner) – legal entity that may receive funds for providing services, sale of goods and so on. It is also an aggregating entity of projects.

Private key – a symbol string for project authorization used to identify the project.

Payment token – a symbol string created from card data for payment without notice.

Stages of implementation

  1. Submit a request for connection on the website

    Upon processing of the request, a Support Service manager will discuss with you possible options of connection, ask for required documents, proceed with the process of integration with banks, a contract, terminal creation.

  2. Get access to your account. When connecting to the Pay in Protocol, you get a unique Merchant ID and access to your account. The access credentials will be sent to the e-mail specified when registering.

  3. Release the API access key.

    The API access key is used for interaction with the API. Obtain the API key from your account manager.

  4. Do interaction testing. When connecting, your ID (identifier) is in the test mode. In such mode, you can book a transaction without debiting your bank card.

When the integration at your end is completed, we switch your project_id to the processing mode.

Attention! In the processing mode actual debits from cards are performed.

Contact us

Please send questions and suggestions to:

As well as to the address details specified in “Contacts” section on the official website.

Last updated