Payment Status

The method is intended to notify the project system of the payment status.

Backoff Policy

BackOff policy is used to increase the guarantees of receiving a response when fulfilling requests:

  • InitialInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond, intervals between repeated requests

  • RandomizationFactor = 0.5, Spread of the request on time between retries

  • MaxInterval = 60 * time.Second, Maximum time between retries

  • MaxElapsedTime = 10 * time.Minute, the time during which the attempts will be made.

Callback by payment system after each transaction

Upon completion of payment, the payment system makes a request to the partner project to transfer the payment status. The request is made to the address specified in the field "callback_url" when initiating the payment.

On receiving an http status other than 200, the transaction will be executed BackOff policy

Sending callback to partner's project

POST callback_url


Request Body