Kinds of operations

Pay in – payment for goods/services transacted via the Internet by using bank cards. Upon payment, monetary funds are transferred from the account of cardholder in favor of the Partner

Pay out – When paying out monetary funds are transferred from Partner’s account to a card account of the Partner’s client.

Refund – the return of an amount paid. Available only upon successful acceptance of funds.

Double-stage pay in - payment for goods/services transacted via the Internet by using bank cards and requiring an additional confirmation. The double-stage mechanism allows separating the verification process of the bank card solvency (authorization) and withdrawal of money (financial confirmation). At the first stage of double-stage pay in the funds are blocked on the cardholder's account and at the second stage the funds are debited.

  • Debiting – such action is available only in case of double-stage pay in upon authorization of funds. Both full and partial debiting of the blocked amount is possible.

  • Cancelation - such action is available only in case of double-stage pay in upon authorization of funds. Both full and partial debiting of the blocked amount is possible.

Card link – an action that provides for fixed debit of funds from the bank card (pay in) and further repayment to the card account (refund)

One click pay in – a transaction of accepting funds bt using a saved card in the payment system without entering card data and without 3DS authentication.

One click pay out – a transaction of paying out funds by using a saved card in the payment system without entering card data.