Google pay

Google Pay is an online payment system that allows to make in-app and website purchases. The system allows users to make payments online via the Internet, as well as with Android phones, tablets and watches.

Before integrating with Tarlan Payments, you need to study the documentation.

Offiicial Google documentation

The supported type of integration for sites is Web.

For such integration, you need to study the following documents:

To use Google Pay, you must register at Google Pay & Wallet Console and obtain a Google Merchant ID. All merchants must obey the rules of acceptable use and terms of condition Google Pay API as well.

For value parameters:

gateway should be indicated with the value - tarlanpayments;

gatewayMerchantId необходимо указывать - идентификатор продавца Google;

Supported authentication methods: PAN_ONLY and CRYPTOGRAM_3DS.

Supported payment systems: Visa and Master Card.

There is no need to transmit payment address.

The payment token received from Google must be uploaded to the field "token" in string format. It must be uploaded in the same form as received it from Google. Other value parameters are described below.